Inflammation Mucosa of the stomach and intestines, as a result of the bacterium Salmonella infection And Alhiglla and Staphylococcus aureus, which causes typhus and diarrhea. There Inflammation Acidic, where spread blood Hamadat in the intestinal wall. And follow these eating fish Mtzmm. There is also a type of embolic of the inflammation, caused by infection Balhamat. And some of the reasons for the inflammationPsychological; includes fear, anger, and other forms of emotional distress. May arise Also from allergic reactions to certain types of food, or eat a poisonous, Especially meat, eggs and butter, or excessive alcohol intake. The symptoms of cases Severe; headache, nausea and vomiting, and general weakness, diarrhea and pain Gases. The disease begins suddenly rise in temperature, vomiting and abdominal pain,The aqueous liquid stools which may contain some blood and mucus. And produces drought through Lost fluids and salts and lead in alliance with the poisoning to the collapse of the circulatory system In diseases such as cholera (cholera). The diagnosis must be made to find out the source of bacterial Infection, and disease warning depends on the intake of toxins with food .
Of gastric inflammation:
Recently been reached Directory responsibility spiral microorganism called spiral Pylori or Helikubactr pylori Helicobacter pylori, which colonize in particular The specific cells secreting Mkhatin mucin in the human stomach, as a causal factor for most Cases of gastritis Allatakla .
Spread this object (as well as inflammation of the stomach) in all parts of the world, and be Greater proliferation in populations that live unhealthy conditions. Regards Age-spread, because the proportion of people infected with the object equal Almost with age. There is no other organisms colonize the stomach acid-secreting When rights. In the absence of DNA, probably colonized the stomach several different patterns of Bacteria and gastritis caused acute or chronic .
And divided this type of inflammation to superficial or deep.
Superficial gastritis:
Be a superficial inflammation. Not usually accompanied this case tissue atrophy or conversion norImportant medical injuries occur. It occurs most often at the age where common after the age of 40.There is no traditional symptoms, and be superficial gastritis usually without Introduce.
Gastritis deep:
Usually accompanied by symptoms such as indigestion vague. May be observed partial atrophy of the glands and turning Tissue by endoscopy. And gastritis happens often always in deep residue Stomach after gastrectomy. The inflammation often next peptic ulcers And cancers which most commonly occurs when relatives of patients with cancers Stomach.