Disposition: cold burning - Remove any obstacle - Cover the burn - escorted injured or sent to the hospital.
1 - burning cold: cold pouring liquid on burning for a period of not less than 10 minutes.
Preventive measures:
* Do not put any creams or ointments on the burn.
* Do not touch any burning or open any bubbles.
** To Atzl anything stuck burning.
* If the burn is on the face do not covering it, and continued to cool it with water until help arrives.
* If burning resulted from a chemical, RIKEN you burn at least twenty minutes.
2 - Remove any obstacle: Remove any clothing or jewelry from the burned area before the swell, do not remove any clothing stuck to the burn.
3 - Cover the burn and the surrounding area with sterile dressings.
4 - Take the injured or sent to the hospital: awareness and watched the pulse and breathing.