Researchers have developed many criteria for the diagnosis and the most famous of these standards what is known as the Rome criteria (Rome Criteria) Colon nervous and intestinal disorders other functional, and in accordance with these standards must exist specific symptoms to be diagnosed Kcolon nervous, most notably the pain and turmoil intestinal lasts for 12 weeks, at least through the year and not necessarily be weeks at a time, you must also confirm the presence of at least two of the following symptoms:
1) change the number of times defecate or the nature of the stool.
Because put feces may change from block natural soft knit between once a day to once every three days, to put loose stools non Formative means several times a day, or put dry stools rigid once every three or four days.
2) impaction or the urge to defecate or a feeling of not being able to fully put the stool.
3) the presence of mucus in the stool.
4) Puff (flatulence intestine) or stretch the intestines.
The doctor will assess your condition and according to previous standards, in addition to any other existing symptoms may indicate the possible existence of another health problem, and suspicious symptoms that require a doctor to work additional tests:
The beginning of the case after the age of fifty.
High heat.
Repeated vomiting.
If you present to have one of these symptoms, additional tests must be done to diagnose the condition.
And if the symptoms fall within the criteria for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome and there is no previous serious symptoms, then there is no need for further tests and diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome.