Description of the digestive system and how it works
The entire digestive system is one tube Slot mouth to the anus Working in harmony like orchestra music and consequently the injury any part in the often affect the rest of its parts, even influential simple but enough TP makes symptoms (any patient's complaint) in general and non-specific in one place abdominal Hence we say that gastrointestinal symptoms similar while the illnesses vary.
And starts the digestive system of the mouth, where it is the process of chewing and eating mixing with saliva, which contains digestive enzymes and here we note that a good chewing is a prerequisite for good digestion and then swallow eating and down the esophagus to the Stomach where is added acids and other enzymes with mixing good which requires sealed the stomach from the top (ie, close the valve between the stomach and esophagus and named slot hearted) and bottom (ie LED between the stomach and small intestine) and it should be noted that there are disease famous and well known to many caused by the lack of seal slot heart resulting in some stomach acids reflux to the top (ie, into the esophagus) causing acidity and heartburn chest and inflammation of the esophagus, a reflux disease.
After the stomach there the first part of the small intestine known as the duodenum (to being 12 cm) where hurt when slot bile ducts coming from the liver and gall bladder and slot pancreas and two pour secretions of the liver and pancreas needed to digest fats, proteins and insulin needed to control blood sugar levels.
Then descend to the small intestine which is about six meters wrapped stacked in the middle of the abdomen and fitted fold increase intensive physical space in order to facilitate and activate the process of absorbing nutrients from the intestines into the blood.
As each of the remaining waste is undesirable intervened to colon which starts from the bottom right side abdominal and climb (ascending colon) to the upper right side then reviews (transverse colon) to reach the upper left side of the abdomen and down (descending colon) to the bottom of the left side then Veers back in S-shaped To be the rectum where waste is collected and stored until conditions are created interfaces (ie, a bath) for output through the anus and relaxant contraction of the muscles of the rectum to be the output process.
Hence, we note that colon takes a large circular area of the abdomen and even to the back and this explains that the mother of the colon may come in any place abdominal or even in the entire abdomen but also back.