Constipation.. Difficulty in defecation associated with cramps and irregular bowel action. Rapid weight loss and bloody stools accompanied by bleeding and mucous patches



difficulty in defecation associated with cramps and irregular bowel action, must be deemed a doctor immediately when you receive the following indicators: dizziness, nausea, rapid weight loss andbloody stools accompanied by bleeding and mucous patches.


ranging from lifestyle switch suddenly as followers of a severe diet, or replacement of certain medications, and pregnancy due to the imbalance of fluids in the body.


  • Eat more fiber-rich foods, including the morning meal and add whole wheat bread to food.
  •  A high intake of fluids and best water and fruit juice.

Exercise more exercise.

And try eating discs Celevac Or try Driphalac Fybogel That stimulate bowel action, and increase the size of the stool, but these medications do not give a direct effect and must be approached with large amounts of fluids.

There are other types of stimulant medications or sedative of the intestines as a pill Beechams And the Ex - lax And Senokot Would increase bowel movement. But it is desirable dealt with for a long time because they cause pain and cramps and sometimes diarrhea.
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