Saturday, June 17, 2017

When a pregnant couple is over the age of 35, nurse Fe should expect the couple to demonstrate which of these behaviors.. moderate anxiety related to uncertainty about fetal well being

When a pregnant couple is over the age of 35, nurse Fe should expect the couple to demonstrate which of these behaviors?
a. increased financial concern related to costs associated with the birth
b. increased confidence related to previous childbirth experiences
c. increased anxiety of physical risk related to maternal age
d. moderate anxiety related to uncertainty about fetal well being

Answer D. In addition to nursing diagnoses applicable to all pregnant women, the pregnant couple over the age of 35 may have additional concerns about the well-being of their baby as it relates to Down syndrome or other genetic disorders. Most couples over the age of 35 are more financially secure and have fewer concerns related to the cost of a birth. Couples over the age of 35 may have experienced infertility problems, births many years before, or have had problem births.